Monday, May 31, 2010

Sultan Almarzooqi

Date: 27/05/10 time: 9:15 to 9:30

I think the introduction was clear.
I think the eye contact was good and I used small notes and I read form it sometime.
The slides were colorful, clear; relevant I think the words in the slide are good and little.
Content: I explain the causes of Global Warming and the effects and solutions.
Language: I used easy words and I think I was good.

Log book 2 Mohammed Alzaabi

Time: 1:26 to 1:43 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: obesity
Introduction: The introduction was clear and good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable, he read from the notes too much
Eye contact: good
Slides: 15
Colorful: yes
Clear: not all
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Saoud

Time: 12:49 to 1:06 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: crimes in Dubai
Introduction: The introduction was clear and good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable.
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
clear: yes
Relevant: Yes but he didn’t show us any picture
too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes, but not all

Log book 2 Ahmed Albraiky

Time: 12:39 to 12:48 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Traffic Congestion
Introduction: The introduction was clear but short
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: yes
Too many words: No
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Mohammed Saleh

Time: 12:24 to 12:35 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: hackers
Introduction: The introduction was clear
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: no
Clear: yes
Relevant: yes
Too many words: Yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Faisal

Time: 12:04 to 12:15 date: 25/5/2010
Introduction: The introduction was clear
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good but he was looking to the teacher too much
Slides: 13
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: yes
Not too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Abdulrahman

Time: 8:43to 8:58 date: 27/5/2010
Subject: smoking
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable but he was talking very quickly some times.
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: no
Clear: Yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Saif

Time: 10:51 to 10:58 date: 30/5/2010
Subject: pollution
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable but not all the time.
Eye contact: good but he read from the notes too much.
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes, I think he used too many sentences.
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Log book 2 Mohammed Hasan

Time: 8:31 to 8:43 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Population in Dubai
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable and quiet
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Mohson

Time: 8:30 to 8:50 date: 27/5/2010
Subject: recycling paper
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 11
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Ahmed Ali

Time: 11:00 to 11:13 date: 30/5/2010
Subject: soft drinks
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: no, not in all slides
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Rashid

Time: 9:34 to 9:41 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: Egypt
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: bad, because he read from the screen.
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Abdulla Khalid

Time: 9:30 to 9:50 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: bank cabal
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: no
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Almunter

Time: 8:46 to 9:01 date: 26/5/2010
Subject: divorce in the UAE
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language was good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable but not all the time
Eye contact: good
Slides: 9,and its not enough
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Fahad

Time: 1:44 to 1:51 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: tire recycling
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 10
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: yes
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

log book 2 Abdulla Masoud

Time: 10:25 to 10:40 date: 25/5/2010
Subject: Extinction Of Animals
Introduction: The introduction was good
Body language: The body language is good
Attitude: He was relaxed and comfortable
Eye contact: good
Slides: 13
Colorful: yes
Clear: yes
Relevant: Yes
Too many words: No
Content: does he explain the problem and put a solution? Yes
Language: good
Meaning clear: yes

Thursday, May 27, 2010

20 Words

1- Environment: surroundings
I live in a very nice environment.
2- Philosophy: study of the nature of human thought and of the world.
I am thinking to study philosophy in the future.
3- Fund: supply
I have a good fund for my business.
4- Majority: greater part or number
The majority of students in ADMC are from Baniyas
5- Partner :a person who shares
I started my work with my partner.
6- Remove: take away
I removed my car from the wrong parking.
7- Communicate: to give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking, etc.
I think the emails are the best way to communicate with your teacher.
8- Economic : Pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities
Dubai is a good economic city.
9- Afford : be able to buy something
I can’t afford to see the wrong things.
10- Secret : not widely known
I have a big Secret with my friend
11- Delicious: good to eat.
I like the delicious food cooked by my mother.
12- Public: concerning all the people.
In Abu Dhabi now we have a lot of public transports.
13- Manage: administer or run something
I need to manage my studies carefully.
14- Goal: the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end
My goal in life is to be a good father.
15- Citizen: native
I am a citizen of the UAE.
16- Foreign: strange
There is too many foreign peoples in the UAE.
17- Suitable: appropriate
I bought a suitable laptop.
18- Finance: The management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally.
He works in the finance department.
19-Interpret: to explain something; give an explanation.
I try to interpret what I do.
20-Legal: Permitted by law
In the UAE we have a good legal system.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Log Book

Date: 30-03-2010.
Start time: 12:23pm.
Finish time: 12:43pm.
Place: F52.
Presenters: Ahmed Ali + Hedley.
Subject: polluted cities worldwide.
Slides: the number of slides is 11; it is colorful and informative; also it is very nice and interesting.
Body language: Hedley was very relaxed and he was smiling most of the time. Ahmed was playing with his dishdasha .
Eye contact: I think Hedley and Ahmed had good eye contact.
English: Both of them in English were clear and accurate.
Questions: They asked questions when they talked and their answers were clear.

Date: 13-04-2010.
Start time: 12:55pm.
Finish time: 01:09pm.
Place: F52.
Presenters: Sultan Al Marzooqi + Mohammed Al Zaabi
Subject: Starting your Business.
Slides: the number of slides is 10; they were colorful and some of the nice pictures were about the business which made it very interesting.
Body language: Sultan stayed near the screen which was good, spoke well and slowly and he had a good smile. Mohammed spoke normally, but he was not relaxed.
Eye contact: both of them were good in eye contact.
English: The English of Sultan was good and he spoke slowly and Mohammed was clearer.
Questions: They answered questions and their answers were very clear.

Date: 11-04-2010.
Start time: 10:54am.
Finish time: 11:07am.
Place: F52.
Presenters: Abdulla Al Ameri + Almunther.
Subject: Toyota Company.
Slides: the number of slides is 11; they were very interesting; they were colorful and informative.
Body language: Abdulla spoke slowly and his words were clear. Almunther was relaxed and happy.
Eye contact: Almunther made good eye contact. But Abdulla must contact more with his eye.
English: The English was accurate and clear from both persons.
Questions: They answered questions and their answers were clear and understandable.

Date: 11-04-2010.
Start time: 11:23am.
Finish time: 11:33am.
Place: F52.
Presenters: Abdularahman Saif , Mohsin.
Subject: The UAE in the past.
Slides: The number of slides is 15; also they were very interesting, and they were colorful.
Body language: Mohsin was relaxed and happy. Abdullarahman spoke too quickly, sometimes not clearly and he had a good smile.
Eye contact: Mohsin and Abdularahman were good in eye contact.
English: The English was accurate and clear.
Questions: They answered questions and their answers were clear and accurate.

Date: 13-04-2010.
Start time: 12:33pm.
Finish time: 12:52pm.
Place: F52.
Presenters: Saoud Abdullah, Mohammed Saleh
Subject: Preserving our culture.
Slides: the number of slides is 8; they were colorful and very clear.
Body language: Mohammed Saleh stayed near the screen which was good. Mohammad spoke normally and relaxed and he has a loud voice. Saoud spoke also slowly, which was very good.
Eye contact: Saoud was good in contact with his eye but Mohammed Saleh was only looking at the teacher.
English: The English was good and clear.
Questions: They answered question very quickly and clearly.

Date: 13-04-2010.
Start time: 12:55pm.
Finish time: 01:09pm.
Place: F52.
Presenters: Faisal Saif + Saif Alkhaili
Subject: The UAE in the past.
Slides: the number of slides is 15; it is colorful and some of the nice pictures were about the UAE in the past which made it very interesting.
Body language: Faisal stayed near the screen which was good, spoke well and slowly and he didn’t have any smile. Saif spoke normally, and he was relaxed.
Eye contact: Faisal was bad in contact with his eye because he read from the paper and screen but Saif made good eye contact with the teacher and with the students.
English: The English of Faisal was good and he spoke slowly and Saif was clearer.
Questions: They answered questions and their answers were very clear.

Date: 13-04-2010.
Start time: 01:12pm.
Finish time: 01:26pm.
Place: F52.
Presenters: Rashid Mohammad
Subject: Stop smoking for life.
Slides: the number of slides is 8; they were colorful and nice pictures which made it more interesting.
Body language: Rashid stayed near the screen and I think he saw the screen too much which was bad. Rashid spoke well and didn’t smile.
Eye contact: Rashid was not good in contact with his eye.
English: The English of Rashid was good but there was a mistake in one letter in the presentation.
Questions: He answered questions quite well.

Date: 18.04.2010
Start Time: 10:20
Finish time: 10:33
Venue: F52
Presenters: Salem Hasan
Subject: Smoking
Slides: 8
• Colorful: most of the pictures were colorful.
• Informative: the presentation was informative.
• Interesting: the presentation was interesting.
Body language: he was good at the body language
Eye contact: very good and he saw all the students and he also used a note.
English: The English language is accurate and clear.
Questions: we asked questions during the presentation and he answered them carefully.

ate: 11.04.2010

Time: 10:20 pm - 10:33 pm

Venue: F52

Presenters: Abdulla Masoud & Ahmed AbdulRahman

Subject: Water Consumption

Slides: 12

It’s colorful and informative

Eye contact : both of them were good and confident.

English was very good and clear and accurate.

Questions were answered most of them clearly.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Goals of the meeting

The purpose of this meeting is to present the HCT to students, so they can know what facilities that they have in order to improve studying in HCT.
Moreover, how to increase their English language skills by letting them read English books because this is the key to improving learning English and to raise their level as high as they can.
The minutes of the meeting:
Date: 23-2-2010
Time: 12:55 PM
Place: F52
Attendance: Sultan Ahmed, Abdulla Khalid and Rashid AlMenhali.

1) Improve English skills.
2) Using Technology products.
3) Helping the students to use other materials.
Rashid (chairman) called the meeting to order at 12:55 P.M.

Do you agree or disagree about using technology in HCT
How to improve English skills?
How do we help students in other materials?


Rashid, Abdulla Khalid and me agreed that using technology products in HCT was useful because they will increase their skills.
I said that by more practising writing, speaking and listening.
Abdulla said that a material that helps students is to take them on educational trips.

What was said and what was decided? (Participant).

Answer: I and Abdulla said that students should make more practice and the staff should take them to educational trips. The chairman who is Rashid had decided to make for students educational goals, exercises and educational trips activity.

Chairmen: I think to improve English is by making exercises and educational games.
Abdulla + Sultan agreed because it will make the students attentive in class.
Abdulla agreed about taking them to educational trips
Rashid asked if there was A.O.B. There not being he closed the meeting at 1:00 pm

I’m the participant and the meeting went well and our chairman (Rashid) and the secretary (Abdulla) who wrote the minutes specifically about how to improve our meeting by choosing a good place with a better agenda. I learn many things that we must discuss many points and stick to the agenda and stick to the timetable.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Faisal Al Dhaheri

My name is Sultan. Today I’d like to introduce our classmate Faisal. I’m going to tell you about his hometown, family and favorite activities. Faisal was born in 1990 in Al Ain. However, he now lives in Abu Dhabi. He has a small family. He has 3 brothers and one sister. He is a student in ADMC in the second year. When Faisal has free time, he goes to the gym and also he likes to swim in the sea.

His ambition is to be a successful businessman, to help his father in his work.

His best holiday was when he we went to Dalma island, Abu Dhabi, last month with his friends. He had a nice time there and he liked it because there are natural landscapes and he has so many friends there.

He thinks the best thing about ADMC is the smart board in his class because it is a big touch screen and helps the student in the learning and it is more technical.

And the worst things in ADMC are the attendance and the car parking because he spends more than five minutes to find a parking space.

Now you know a little about Faisal and about his life. Thank you for listening.

Words : 208