Monday, December 14, 2009

1. Amount ( Noun): a quantity of something such as time, money, or a substance. 100,000 grand was the amount of money.

2. Aspect (noun): one part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts. The first aspect in this lesson is obeying the law.

3. Colleagues (noun): someone you work with, used especially by professional people. You must be respectful to your colleagues.

4. Respect (noun): when you admire someone, especially because of their personal qualities, knowledge, or skills. I respect my mother.

5. Government (noun): the group of people who govern a country or state. I think that the government of Abu Dhabi is one of the best governments.

6. Achievement: (Object) a thing achieved, esp. by skill, work, courage, etc. We celebrate achievements; we share in the success of our colleagues.

7. Afraid (Adjective): Feeling fear filled with apprehension. I'm not afraid of heights, only of falling.

8. Apartment (noun): A room or suite of rooms to live in. one suite in an apartment house. My friend lives in an apartment.

9. Ambulance (object): a specially equipped automobile or other vehicle for carrying the sick or wounded. He was arrested and was led to a waiting ambulance soon after.

10. Beautiful (noun): having beauty; very pleasing to the eye, ear, mind. Walking through the beautiful gardens there is a quiet, relaxing atmosphere.

11. Luxury (noun): very great comfort and pleasure, such as you get from expensive food, beautiful houses, cars etc. I have a luxury home.

12. Appearance (noun): the way someone or something looks to other people. My father has a great appearance.

13. Education (noun): the process of training and developing the knowledge, skill, mind, character, etc., esp. by formal schooling; teaching; training. I completed my education in technical colleges.

14. Kindergarten (noun): a school for children aged two to five. One of my brothers is in kindergarten.

15. Family (noun): a group of people related by ancestry or marriage; relatives. I live with my family in a big villa.

16. Future (adj): that is to be or come; of days, months, or years ahead. In future I will be a successful business man.

17. Independent (adjective): an organization is not owned or controlled by, or does not receive money from, another organization or the government. There are a lot of independent schools in the UAE.

18. Faithfully (adverb): in a loyal way. Always do any work faithfully.

19. Constructive (adjective): useful and helpful, or likely to produce good results. Always you must work hard to be a constructive student.

20. Occur (verb): to happen or exist in a particular place or situation. Accidents occur because of mistakes.

21. Kindness (adj): a kind act or kindly treatment. She showed kindness to someone who was upset.

22. Museum (noun): an institution, building, or room for preserving and exhibiting artistic, historical, or scientific objects. The best museum in the UAE is located in Al Ain.

23. Disease (noun): an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant. In the UAE many methods are used to prevent diseases before they spread.

24. Scholarship (noun): an amount of money that is given to someone by an educational organization to help pay for their education. Scholarships help students to rely on themselves.

25. Capable (adjective): having the qualities or ability needed to do something. I’m capable of passing.

26. Spite (verb): to deliberately annoy or upset someone. I like to spite him

27. Noise (adj): loud or confused shouting; din of voices; clamor. There was a loud noise outside the door.

28. Account (noun):.A counting; calculation. I have a bank account in Dubai Islamic Bank

29. Officer (noun): Anyone elected or appointed to an office or position of authority in a government, business, institution, society, etc. My father's position is officer.

30. Population (noun): All the people in a country, region, etc. The population of the UAE is about five million.

31. University (noun): an educational institution of the highest level, University is much different form school. The university is much different from school.

32. Pizza (noun): a baked Italian dish consisting of flattened bread dough covered variously with herbs, fresh vegetables, or, typically in the U.S., with tomato sauce, grated cheese, and, often, sausage, mushrooms, pepperoni, etc. I had a seafood pizza yesterday.

33. Price (noun): the amount of money, etc. asked or paid for something; cost; charge. The gold price is going up.

34. Weather (noun): the general condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place, with regard to the temperature, moisture, cloudiness, etc. In these days we have nice weather.

35. Salary (noun): fixed payment at regular intervals for services, etc. I m taking my salary from my father.

36. Restaurant (noun): a place where meals can be bought and eaten. Yesterday I ate at the restaurant.

37.Problem (noun): a question proposed for solution or consideration. I have not had a problem in my laptop.

38. Money (noun): standard pieces of gold, silver, copper, nickel, etc., stamped by government authority and used as a medium of exchange and measure of value; coin or coins. There are many people searching for money.

39. Tourist (noun): a person who makes a tour, esp. for pleasure. Many tourists visit Dubai every year.

40. Special (adj): of a kind different from others; distinctive, peculiar, or unique. I have a special car.

41. View (noun): a seeing or looking, as in inspection or examination. The accommodation is in suites, all of which have a sea view.

42. Courses (noun): a program of instruction, as in a college or university. Last summer I went to English courses.

43. Holiday (noun): Any day of exemption from work. I spent my last holiday in LA.

44. Department (noun): a separate part, division, or branch, as of a government, business. The department of labor is next door.

45. Healthy (adj): Having good health; well; sound. We should eat healthy food.

46. Available (adj): that one can avail oneself of; that can be used; usable. There were two available seats on the plane.

47. Discuss (adj): to talk or write about. We discussed BMW cars with our friends.

48. Century (noun): one of the 100-year periods measured from before or after the year of Christ's birth. We are now in the 21st century.

49. Manner (noun): the way in which something is done or happens. I like the manner in which he teaches.

50. Libraries (noun): collection of books, periodicals, musical scores, films, phonograph records, etc., esp. a large, systematically arranged collection for reading or reference. We have a big library in the college.

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