Friday, December 25, 2009

Freshwater Scarcity

Water is an important natural resource in our life. There are many countries which have problems with this vital resource in different fields. One of these countries that have a water problem is South Africa.

South Africa is facing a problem regarding lack of availability of water. It is one of the countries that have limited resources of freshwater compared with most other countries. It is one of the countries that have the lowest rainfall rate which means that it lacks in the surface water resources. Similarly, it also has low average in the underground resources. This situation puts South Africa in a serious stress to supply the increasing demand of the amount of water and the quality of water in view of the population growth and economic development rates. It led South Africa to highly depend on every major river in the country to meet the water requirement. However, these rivers are seasonal and do not have a stable amount of water during the year and consequently supplying the water is difficult.

There are many factors that affect the scarcity of fresh water availability in South Africa. One of these factors is the natural conditions. The type of climate in South Africa is low rainfall and high evaporation rate. These make the availability of its freshwater scarce.

The rapid of population growth in South Africa affects the availability of freshwater. It leads to greater demand for fresh water resources which are already under stress. For example many of the country’s rivers have been dammed to provide water for the increasing population.

The increase of population growth leads to the economic development. The industrial practice is another factor that affects the availability of fresh water in South Africa. This causes the water pollution which includes industrial wastes, domestic and commercial sewage, acid mine drainage, pesticides and herbicides, and rubbish. The pollution affects the quality of the country’s water resources and then put more pressure on it.

Furthermore, pervious legislations regarding water also caused a pressure on the water resources. For example, the water was available to the commercial farmers for free and others paid a nominal amount. That affected the population’s habits and their awareness of water conserving value.

In order to solve the problem of the availability of fresh water, the government of South Africa joined international programs that manage the water resources. It signed several international regulations that ensure co-operation between South Africa and neighboring countries where international rivers are concerned. In addition to commitment to the international regulations that manage water resources such as the Helsinki Rules.

At the local level, South Africa has put regulations that affect its water resources. For example Water Services Act 108 of 1997 that provides regulations that ensure meeting the basic people’s needs of water that include water supply and sanitation. Another example is the National Water Act 36 of 1998 which improved the old water law in the country and brought the regulations that were previously only talked about into implementation. These regulations concern the development of national water resources management, protection of its water resources, pollution prevention, controlling of water allocation and its stream-flow.

South Africa also established many agencies that are in charge of water resources management which are called Catchment Management Agencies (CMAs)

In conclusion, I think the above mentioned attitudes are effective because the country is aware of the serious situation that it has and has made a strong impact on reducing the gap between available water supply and water demand and conserving its water resources, but I would emphasize exploiting of deep groundwater and the use of aquifers for storage of excess water. I would also recommend reusing the waste water for agricultural irrigation. Recycling of waste water will reduce the amount of waste water, reduce the amount of the demand of freshwater and provide a reliable source of water for agriculture at the same time. In addition, I would advise educating the population for better awareness of water use and conservation. The government can also manage the water pricing so it will create more awareness of water conservation. Furthermore, I would recommend using the new technologies available in the international market or developing further technologies that fix the water shortage such as technologies for reducing the consumption of water and for reducing the evaporation of underground water.


Monday, December 14, 2009

1. Amount ( Noun): a quantity of something such as time, money, or a substance. 100,000 grand was the amount of money.

2. Aspect (noun): one part of a situation, idea, plan etc that has many parts. The first aspect in this lesson is obeying the law.

3. Colleagues (noun): someone you work with, used especially by professional people. You must be respectful to your colleagues.

4. Respect (noun): when you admire someone, especially because of their personal qualities, knowledge, or skills. I respect my mother.

5. Government (noun): the group of people who govern a country or state. I think that the government of Abu Dhabi is one of the best governments.

6. Achievement: (Object) a thing achieved, esp. by skill, work, courage, etc. We celebrate achievements; we share in the success of our colleagues.

7. Afraid (Adjective): Feeling fear filled with apprehension. I'm not afraid of heights, only of falling.

8. Apartment (noun): A room or suite of rooms to live in. one suite in an apartment house. My friend lives in an apartment.

9. Ambulance (object): a specially equipped automobile or other vehicle for carrying the sick or wounded. He was arrested and was led to a waiting ambulance soon after.

10. Beautiful (noun): having beauty; very pleasing to the eye, ear, mind. Walking through the beautiful gardens there is a quiet, relaxing atmosphere.

11. Luxury (noun): very great comfort and pleasure, such as you get from expensive food, beautiful houses, cars etc. I have a luxury home.

12. Appearance (noun): the way someone or something looks to other people. My father has a great appearance.

13. Education (noun): the process of training and developing the knowledge, skill, mind, character, etc., esp. by formal schooling; teaching; training. I completed my education in technical colleges.

14. Kindergarten (noun): a school for children aged two to five. One of my brothers is in kindergarten.

15. Family (noun): a group of people related by ancestry or marriage; relatives. I live with my family in a big villa.

16. Future (adj): that is to be or come; of days, months, or years ahead. In future I will be a successful business man.

17. Independent (adjective): an organization is not owned or controlled by, or does not receive money from, another organization or the government. There are a lot of independent schools in the UAE.

18. Faithfully (adverb): in a loyal way. Always do any work faithfully.

19. Constructive (adjective): useful and helpful, or likely to produce good results. Always you must work hard to be a constructive student.

20. Occur (verb): to happen or exist in a particular place or situation. Accidents occur because of mistakes.

21. Kindness (adj): a kind act or kindly treatment. She showed kindness to someone who was upset.

22. Museum (noun): an institution, building, or room for preserving and exhibiting artistic, historical, or scientific objects. The best museum in the UAE is located in Al Ain.

23. Disease (noun): an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant. In the UAE many methods are used to prevent diseases before they spread.

24. Scholarship (noun): an amount of money that is given to someone by an educational organization to help pay for their education. Scholarships help students to rely on themselves.

25. Capable (adjective): having the qualities or ability needed to do something. I’m capable of passing.

26. Spite (verb): to deliberately annoy or upset someone. I like to spite him

27. Noise (adj): loud or confused shouting; din of voices; clamor. There was a loud noise outside the door.

28. Account (noun):.A counting; calculation. I have a bank account in Dubai Islamic Bank

29. Officer (noun): Anyone elected or appointed to an office or position of authority in a government, business, institution, society, etc. My father's position is officer.

30. Population (noun): All the people in a country, region, etc. The population of the UAE is about five million.

31. University (noun): an educational institution of the highest level, University is much different form school. The university is much different from school.

32. Pizza (noun): a baked Italian dish consisting of flattened bread dough covered variously with herbs, fresh vegetables, or, typically in the U.S., with tomato sauce, grated cheese, and, often, sausage, mushrooms, pepperoni, etc. I had a seafood pizza yesterday.

33. Price (noun): the amount of money, etc. asked or paid for something; cost; charge. The gold price is going up.

34. Weather (noun): the general condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place, with regard to the temperature, moisture, cloudiness, etc. In these days we have nice weather.

35. Salary (noun): fixed payment at regular intervals for services, etc. I m taking my salary from my father.

36. Restaurant (noun): a place where meals can be bought and eaten. Yesterday I ate at the restaurant.

37.Problem (noun): a question proposed for solution or consideration. I have not had a problem in my laptop.

38. Money (noun): standard pieces of gold, silver, copper, nickel, etc., stamped by government authority and used as a medium of exchange and measure of value; coin or coins. There are many people searching for money.

39. Tourist (noun): a person who makes a tour, esp. for pleasure. Many tourists visit Dubai every year.

40. Special (adj): of a kind different from others; distinctive, peculiar, or unique. I have a special car.

41. View (noun): a seeing or looking, as in inspection or examination. The accommodation is in suites, all of which have a sea view.

42. Courses (noun): a program of instruction, as in a college or university. Last summer I went to English courses.

43. Holiday (noun): Any day of exemption from work. I spent my last holiday in LA.

44. Department (noun): a separate part, division, or branch, as of a government, business. The department of labor is next door.

45. Healthy (adj): Having good health; well; sound. We should eat healthy food.

46. Available (adj): that one can avail oneself of; that can be used; usable. There were two available seats on the plane.

47. Discuss (adj): to talk or write about. We discussed BMW cars with our friends.

48. Century (noun): one of the 100-year periods measured from before or after the year of Christ's birth. We are now in the 21st century.

49. Manner (noun): the way in which something is done or happens. I like the manner in which he teaches.

50. Libraries (noun): collection of books, periodicals, musical scores, films, phonograph records, etc., esp. a large, systematically arranged collection for reading or reference. We have a big library in the college.

Monday, November 23, 2009



Ten years ago, the internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. ( And today internet has become the most powerful ever tool for people throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of the internet, there is a lot more in store than e-mail: chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool today. Today the internet has brought the globe to a single room. (
From news across the world to a wealth of knowledge about shopping, purchasing the tickets of your favorite movie-everything is at your finger tips. The internet has great potential and lot to offer. However, like every single innovation in science and technology, the internet has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The foremost target of the internet has always been the communication. And the internet has excelled beyond all expectations .Still, innovations are going on to make it faster, and more reliable. By the advent of computer’s Internet, our earth has become smaller and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of a second with a person who is sitting in on other part of the world. ( Today for the better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail. We can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty of messenger services. With the help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts and can explore other cultures from other places.

Information is probably the biggest advantage the internet is offering. The Internet is a treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic is available on the Internet. There are search engines like Google; Yahoo is at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support; the list is end less.

Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet. Almost every day, research on medical issues become much easier to locate. Numerous web sites available on the net are offering loads of information for people to research diseases and talk to doctors online at sites such as, America’s Doctor. You must go there if you want to ask him about health information.

Entertainment is another popular reason why many people prefer to surf the Internet. Downloading games, visiting chat rooms or just surfing the Web are some of the uses people have discovered. There are numerous games that may be downloaded from the Internet for free. Chat rooms are popular because users can meet new and interesting people. In fact, the Internet has been successfully used by people to find life long partners. When people surf the Web, there are numerous things that can be found. Music, hobbies, news and more can be found and shared on the Internet.

Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets for your favorite movies, guidance services on an array of topics engulfing every aspect of life, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more.


Theft of Personal information

If you use the Internet, you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc. can be accessed by other culprits to make your problems worse.

Spamming refers to sending unwanted e-mails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be very frustrating for you, and so instead of just ignoring it, you should make an effort to try and stop these activities so that using the Internet can become that much safer.

Virus threat
Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to the internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache.

This is perhaps the biggest threat related to your children’s healthy mental life. A very serious issue concerning the Internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the Internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the Internet.

I think in these days we can’t live without internet because it’s a very important thing in our lives. And in my opinion there will be tight control by the government to the internet users. And they must put penalties for those abusing others. In the end I think it is up to you to use the internet in a useful way.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

LSEC N100 Research Skill 3
Comparing the Bugatti Veyron and the Porsche

There are many favorite cars in the world. The most luxurious and wonderful car is the Porsche. However, there are other powerful vehicles. The best is the Bugatti Veyron. Now I will compare these two cars and I will show the similarities and the differences.

There are differences and similarities and now I will start with the similarities. The first similarity is that both are sport cars. The second similarity is that both are coupes. For example: they have only two doors. The final similarity is that both the cars have engines at the back. There are many cars with engines at the front of the car and the others at the back. But in these cars the engine is at the back.

Now I will begin with the differences. The main difference is that the Porsche 911 turbo is expensive. However, the Bugatti Veyron is more expensive. For example: the Porsche 911 turbo costs $137,360 (Renolds, p.158) but, the Bugatti Veyron costs $ 1.6 million.( Schwartzapfel, p.82) .Another difference is that the Porsche 911 turbo top speed is 192 mph (Renolds, p.158), but, the Bugatti Veyron top speed 253 mph. That means the Bugatti Veyron (Schwartzapfel, p.82) is faster than Porsche 911 turbo(Renolds, p.158),. The final difference is the weight of these two cars and it shows that the Bugatti Veyron is heavier than the Porsche 911 turbo. For example: the weight of the Bugatti Veyron is 5000 lb (Schwartzapfel, p.82) However, the Porsche 911 turbo is 3650 lb. (Renolds, p.158).

In conclusion, despite the differences or the similarities between the two cars, they are considered two of the most desirable, luxurious, and classy cars in the whole world. I think the Bugatti Veyron is better than the Porsche 911 turbo because the Bugatti Veyron is more elegant and good.



Schwartzapfel, Stuart. "Bugatti’s Supreme Supercar; A spin along California's Pacific Coast Highway in the Veyron, the world's fastest, most expensive, production car." Business Week 17 Sept. 2007: 82. Student Resource center Gold. Web. 29 Oct. 2009.

Adams, Eric, Joe Brown, and Dan Lienert. "Auto Tech." Popular Science Dec. 2006: 71. Student Resource center Gold. Web. 29 Oct. 2009.

Renolds, Kim. "Topless Turbo: the 192-mph tanning booth." Motor Trend Sept. 2007: 158. Student Resource center Gold. Web. 29 Oct. 2009.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Referencing Question

1. What is plagiarism?
Using someone else's word's or ideas and representing them as your own.

2. What must you do to avoid plagiarizing?
Take careful and accurate notes as you research.

3. What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?
MLA Modern Language Association APA American Psychological Association.

4. What are the five types of information that are often included when referencing from various sources?
Author's name, title of book, date, pages, published/magazine/website address

5. When creating a reference for a book what comes first?
Author's name.

6. What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?
The article title.

7. What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?
Page number.

8. What is the third item of information when referencing a website?
The title of the website.

9. What is last item of information when referencing a website?
Date visited

11. What comes before the URL in a database reference?

12. Where is the bibliography?
At the end
13. What is in the bibliography?

14. When giving the author's name which part of the name do you put first?
Family name.

15. How do you order items in the bibliography?

16. Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?

17. What information goes in an inline citation?
Name + date

18. Name one citation machine that can help you?

19. Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?

20. In Google type, HCT plagiarism. Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. state what this consequence is.

If you cheat you will be kicked from the college

The three sources:

1. DISCovering U.S. History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003.

2. Contemporary Newsmakers. Ed. Peter M. Gareffa. Detroit: Gale Research, 1987.

3. Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed.

The dangers of trailers

It’s doesn’t mean that you are a good driver if you can dodge the stupid people driving around you. The only situation that worried the writer when driving is when he is towing something behind.
During towing a trailer, the driver is exposed to too many accidents. Probably the wheels will collapse or they can come off the hubs no matter how strong the vehicle is.
The risk when towing is due to the trailer not the vehicle itself. One day the writer rented a trailer and he was driving at night. When he got out of his car he smelled something was burning. He found that the hubs had been destroyed. After that he called the owner and told him what happened and the owner was too sad. That was a small story about the writer.

• Magazine: Automobile.
• Article title: Tow No! - OR – Life’s A Hitch.
• Date: oct.2009
• Author: Ezra Dyer.
• Pages: 30-31.

Works Cited
Dyer, Ezra. "Tow No!-or-Life's A Hitch." Automobile Oct. 2009: 30-31. Print.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Natural paradise gets protection

Part 1 Summary

The Hajar Mountains in Fujarah are home to the Wadi Wurayh. There is one team which started to recognize the place and to think how we can protect this beautiful area. Then there are some problems there. The first problem is how we save the plants and animals. After that they started to develop the area after they received an order from the ruler but there is nobody who will sponsor this project. So we need a lot of money to build a center. Finally this area in Fujairah is one of the best areas in the UAE.

Part 2 Main Idea
• The Wadi Warayah protected area will be setup so it meets international standards.
• Industrial development and quarrying are threats to this area.

Part 3 Comment
I think we must think about this to protect everything in it, because this is an area we can’t find everywhere.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This article is about dyslexia. This is a problem with processing specific visual information. The latest research suggests that dyslexics do not have enough magnocells. And it’s a problem caused by eye wobble. Now we have new technology which has produced special glasses for that. And there are hi-tech spectacles which might solve this problem, along with special exercises. It’s hoped this will improve reading skills and solve the problem of dyslexia.